I got on Twitter roughly a year ago and had a somewhat rough start there, with cyber stalkers and hurtful people that took advantage of the public nature of Twitter to interfere in my personal life. (But, that's a story for another post).
My natural tendency is to take things slowly, think things through, weigh the positives and negatives carefully. After participating in several "personality tests" through my employers over the years (Myers Briggs, among the most well-known http://www.myersbriggs.org), it is no surprise to me when I Always Always Always come out on the far "introspective" end of the "introvert/extrovert" spectrum. I am what is also known as an "analyzer". I need time to process information. I am not quick on the fly, nor do I make rash or spontaneous decisions.
Understanding this about myself has helped me immensely over the past years. I have learned not to be so hard on myself or to see my lack of spontaneity or the inability to respond quickly and decisively in any given situation as a character flaw. I am learning to embrace who I am. My carefully thought out nature makes me trustworthy, loyal, and someone you can count on to follow through in any given situation. If I were a man, I would be the "strong, silent type." But, being a woman, I have found that I am more often discounted as being unopinionated or easily railroaded. Neither of which is true.
I am also, by no means, someone who is not interested in new experiences or in being challenged. Am I slow to change? Most definately. Do I enjoy it once I decide to make the leap? Absolutely! Maybe more so because I know that I have not let fear rule my decision.
So here I am, with my very own blog, and feeling a little giddy! I have to say my husband's comment that a blog is like a pin in haystack and the likelihood that anyone will actually read what I write, actually made it easier for me to take the leap. Whether that was how he meant me to take it, I'm not really sure. With that in mind though, I think of this as more of an online journal than anything else. I would certainly like some encouragement and advice along the way, but if no one reads this and encouragement is not received, so be it. I am doing something new and learning and growing from it.
All that being said, what I really wanted to say is simply that I have been overwhelmed and awed by the bloggers that I have found on Twitter and it is because of them that I am encouraged to start this blog. I am humbled by the creativity of the scrapbookers out there; the insight of the professional writers and business professionals; the bravery of the mommy bloggers who bare their souls and expose their heartbreaks, their mistakes, and even (or maybe especially) the tongue-in-cheek posts that remind me not to take myself so seriously.
I am soaking it up, drinking it all in, analyzing it. And I know that I have only just begun to touch my toe in the waters of what is out there. I have even been so inspired by everyone that I am also considering starting my own creative business. Of course, this will entail much future analyzing, planning, re-analyzing, re-planning, etc. But, I fully intend to take that leap of faith too. So stay tuned...
In the meantime, I am here to stay. So, watch out, hear me roar! ;-)