Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Productivity Schmoductivity....

So, I'm back from another great scrapbooking weekend!  I wish I could say that I got a ton of pages completed and am really proud of my accomplishments.  But, in reality, the weekend flew by. I had a problem with my printer and my finished pages, for the most part, did not turn out quite as I had hoped. I am already visualzing and making notes about some changes that I want to make.

The truth is, I'm getting more than a little anxious about the number of photos that are piliing up and my lack of both organization and time to devote to this effort.  I worked on 5 pages this weekend and did a couple of mini albums that I will give as gifts.  I usually attend a couple of scrapbooking weekends a year, and at the rate of 5-10 pages per getaway, I am falling behind at an alarming rate.  It never fails that every time I return from a weekend away, I have grand intentions of devoting more time to scrapbooking and making it a real habit, scheduling a specific amount of time to it each week.  But, alas, I always find myself at the next weekend crop realizing that I haven't touched my stash since the previous weekend away. 

My husband, in an effort to help with my frustration, even set up a cropping area for me, so I would have an inviting little space where I could work to my heart's content.  But the space available in our house is a sitting room in the bedroom.  So, although it is a great space that I know I am lucky to have, I end up feeling isolated up there, so I tend to avoid it.  Hubby's new plan is to move some furniture around and create a space in the living area of the house, so I can be a part of the evening's activities while I crop.  This is going to take some thought and reconfiguration of a rather small space. At any rate, in some way, shape or form, I'm going to have to figure out how to step up my efforts.

 As always though, I had a great time at the crop.  I love this time to  reconnect with my friends, scraplift some new ideas, get a massage, have no responsibilites for a couple of days, really relax and let my hair down....hmmm...wait.... did I say I have a productivity issue....??

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