Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Words on 2013 - "So What?"

One of my favorite things that I did this year was a family trip to Punxsutawney, PA for Groundhog Day with several of my friends and their families.

We were hit with unexpected snowy weather and a bitter bitter cold morning that only made everything seem even more of an adventure.

My husband and son and I decided to take a roundabout route so that we could stop in Pittsburgh and tour the Andy Warhol museum and have lunch at the original Primanti Bros. restaurant where they put the fries right on the sandwich (so much better than the chain versions that have sprung up in the area).  YUM!

For me, the Warhol museum was one of the highlights of trip. I am fascinated by Andy Warhol's extraordinary talent and unique approach to life.  

 It turns out Warhol was actually equal parts artist and philosopher ;)  

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ― Andy WarholThe Philosophy of Andy Warhol

In many ways, Andy Warhol's words of wisdom mirror what I have learned in 2013.  I've experienced quite a bit of personal pain these past few years and have been working on healing and growing and changing from it. I've had this toxic person in my life who, like a bad penny or a stubborn stomach virus, just won't seem to go away. Even today she continues to try to paint a picture of herself as a victim and I am somehow her bad guy.  The truth is, I haven't done anything but get put in a bad situation, not only by bad choices made by her and others, but by her inability to move on.  I've been watching her pattern of playing the victim and dredging up the past to make pointed and hurtful commentary on me and my life, repeat itself over and over. It has gone from infuriating to annoying to now just plain ridiculous. 

Lke Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day, I've had to learn to stop using my time and energy on shallow stuff (like someone else's drama) and start using my experiences to grow and learn and become a better person. When Bill's character in the movie finally made this connection, the spell was broken and he was free from the neverending cycle. That's been me in 2013. 

“Sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, So what. That's one of my favorite things to say. So what.” 

― Andy WarholThe Philosophy of Andy Warhol

Almost without even recognizing  the change happening, I now realize how much I have changed and how I have let old problems make me miserable for no reason. This, I think, is the most important thing I learned in 2013.  

What I've also learned is, that while you can't rush change, you just have to hang in there and keep putting one foot in front of the other, you also have the amazing power of choice.  I get to choose how I feel and what I allow in my life. I get to be the catalyst for the changes I want. I've also learned that sometimes you just have to let yourself feel the pain.  Nobody wants to do that.  It's sometimes easier not to go there, especially if you are as good at avoidance as I am.  I am the queen of that.  But, once I learned to just accept that I'm going to feel bad sometimes and that's ok, I learned how to express my feelings and get them out, rather than suppress them and be miserable inside.  I learned that, as scary as it is, the route to change and healing is through being vulnerable and honest, not just with others, but with yourself.

2013 has been a very good year.  A year of change, a year of realizations and year of feeling good - really good, not just suppressing the bad and hoping to feel only the good.  The change has been real, the fun and laughter and good times have been real, and even the bad feelings, when they came, have been real.  Getting through it all has been real.  And that is really good. 

So, Thank You, Thank You Mr. Warhol for my new favorite thing to say "So what." (RIP)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Open Letter to Someone Who Knows Nothing About Me

To the Woman in the Middle School Drop-Off Line who approached my car and tapped on the window to tell me that my pet adoption sticker on the back of my car was offensive and hurt her adopted daughter’s feelings:

I want you to know that I have carefully considered your position and I believe I should have the opportunity to express mine.  However, since you didn't bother to introduce yourself, and I don't know anything more about you than that you have an adopted daughter, I have no way of contacting you.  

I am stressed about how to nicely handle the situation if I run into you again.  I do not wish to be confrontational, but I do want you to understand why I don't agree with your actions.  I did remove the magnet from my car (and replaced it with new versions).  I did this to show a certain amount of respect (respect, by the way, that I do not think was afforded to me) and because our children go to the same school.  If you see that I have changed the magnets on my car, you can choose to explain it to your child however you wish.  But I want you to know the truth of the matter.

The truth is this:  It is not ok to go around teaching other adults a lesson.  What exactly you thought the lesson was about, I'm not quite sure -- Thoughtfulness?  Kindness?

The fact is that you don't know the first thing about me.  I happen to be extremely sensitive and kind-hearted. The interaction I had with you actually left me in tears and very shook up.  I didn't like thinking for a minute that I had been thoughtless and unkind.  I took your words to heart, and considered them very seriously.  I understand and appreciate that you were merely trying to protect your child.  

You see, what I also want you to understand, is that I too, have a child with special needs.  My child has been picked on and made fun of for his particular issues, and it is no fun to watch him be hurt and suffer that kind of pain and embarrassment.  So, I do understand that as parents of children with special needs, we are on even higher alert than most.  

Some other things that you don't know about me (and can't have known about me, since you don't know me at all), is that my husband who is himself adopted and who picked out the "offensive" car magnet, also has a sister who is adopted.  It never occurred to him, or to her when she saw the magnet, to think of it as hurtful in any way.  Also, we have considered adopting a child ourselves.  Child adoption is not something that we are unfamiliar with. 

In addition, and what the magnet is clearly actually about, is that for various reasons, pet adoption is a cause that is near and dear to my family.  

I am truly sorry that your child was upset or hurt in any way by my car magnet.  However, in my opinion, you could have used that moment to connect with your child and explore her hurt feelings; or to explain to her how important it is to adopt pets instead of letting them be put down; or to explain how adoption is an act of love that is even more powerful because it is an expression of choice.  You could have used the opportunity to explain to her that people who adopt are generally extremely big-hearted and loving. There are just so many ways that interaction could have gone, that I am stunned and appalled that what you chose to do was to confront me (in front of my child, no less). 

What you showed her by example, is that it is perfectly acceptable to confront someone who chooses to express themselves and their passion differently from how you would express yourself, even when the underlying passion or message is one of love and acceptance.  Worse, you taught your daughter that it is ok to assume that you know better than someone else that you don't even know, and that you can make assumptions about perfect strangers based on what you see reflected on the outside.  And above all, that in the act of making those assumptions, you should go with the worst possible assumptions (that I am thoughtless and unkind) rather than the best (that I have an appreciation and a passion for adoption, and that such people are generally more thoughtful and kind, not less).

Your child is going to run into a zillion things in life that are upsetting and you can't fight these mini-battles for her forever.  Next time you see the same car magnet promoting pet adoption (and they are on cars in our area everywhere - mine was hardly unique), perhaps instead of confronting another adult (who by the way, may not react as politely as I did) you should have the (maybe uncomfortable) conversation with your daughter to educate her, instead of validating her hurt feelings over something (pet adoption) that clearly has nothing to do with her (adoption of a child). 

Or maybe next time, you could simply thank the person for showing support of adoption (in any form).

My new car magnets! Please excuse the dirty  dirty car - 
these were taken right after a recent snow :)  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Love, Actually" isn't actually about Love.

Let me start out by saying this - I LOVE romantic comedies.  My husband has long teased me that, if I had my druthers, they are probably the only genre of movie I would watch.  I think that is taking it a little too far. I do have other interests. However, I will admit, that I would watch them a LOT. The problem is that really good romantic comedies just don't come along all that often.  For that reason, I so desperately wanted to love this movie, with such an outstanding cast and Christmas as a backdrop, how could it go wrong?  But it does.  So grandiously Wrong.

I've hated this movie since the first time I watched it (going on 10 years ago - wow, I'm geting old). It left me feeling depressed and vaguely angry, but I couldn't really put a finger on why.  After seeing and hearing praise for it over and over again, I gave this movie several more tries at winning me over, thinking that I was possibly in a bad mood or in a bad place when I saw it.  But, no. Each time I watched it, or tried to watch it (I don't think I ever got completey through it after one viewing), I just became angrier and angrier.

Then recently I noticed in my Twitter stream that 'Love, Actually' is having its 10th anniversary (has it Reeeaalllly been Ten Years?  See previous comment). I noticed new articles about the movie and people anticipating watching it again over the holidays.  I thought to myself - "what is wrong with me? Could I really be the only person on this planet who HATES this movie?" Then I began to think "what is wrong with our society that people can be so in love with this movie!?"  So, I actually googled - "Who Hates Love Actually?" and was rewarded with several reviews that left me feeling both vindicated and far from alone in my "bah humbugness."

I won't go into detail about the hideousness of each and every story line.  There are far better reviewers who have done that.  See here:
and here:
and especially here:

The best review, in my opinion, was the one I found by Mary Elizabeth Williams on Salon.com.  Not only did I see a kindred soul in her appreciation for romantic comedies and wanting so much to love this movie, but I think she very intuitively hits the nail on the head by pointing out the decidedly misogynistic point of view of the entire movie. See here:

Since the major issues have all been well covered by much better writers than I, there is only one point left that I feel the need to make, and that is this *steps up on soapbox*:

'Love, Actually' actually has nothing to do with Love.

'Love, Actually' is a commentary on what our society accepts as love these days.  The devaluing of real love because it takes a lot of time and committment on the part of both individuals.   These are things that our fast-paced "I want everything now and I want it wrapped up in a great big pretty package with a bow on it so that I can feel good right now" lives have no patience for.  Love should not be disposable, and if you aren't ecstatically happy all the time, that doesn't mean you're not "in love" anymore.  It takes real committment, communication and sometimes sacrifice. You have to take the time to focus on your significant other and his/her needs.  And that's what it's all about, folks.  The rewards in the end are multitude, including lots of laughter and fun, and worth every bit of effort and then some. But, for some reason, I see more and more people thinking that love should only be easy and fun.  When it's not, or they are bored with the lives they have built with someone, they look for something different.  Something easier, something new and fresh and exciting, but in my mind, massively less meaningful.   I am not so eloquent a writer nor self-grandising enough to think that I can describe what real Love is, but (much like pornography), I know it when I see it.  And, more importantly, I know what it is not, and it is most decididly not anything depicted in 'Love, Actually'.
*steps down from soapbox*

All that being said, a good romantic comedy should simply leave the viewer feeling happy and optimistic about love (aka "The Wedding Singer" and "You've Got Mail", two of my all-time faves).  True, they typically depict the beginning of love, when everything is exciting and new, and there is so much to be optimistic about. Real life however,  is messy and so is real love.  But, that's ok too.  There are so many great romantic comedies out there, from classics to more modern movies, that I can't even begin to list them. However (since I went there), here are some pretty well curated lists:


Although one of these lists does include 'Love, Actually', for the most part, as I peruse these lists I am reminded of so many truly great "feel good" rom-coms that I am now dying to spend an entire weekend binge-watching them  (don't tell the hubby.)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary (this is a co-written post :-)).  We chose to get married this time of year because it's our favorite season (Winter is coming).  The fact that it's also the most hectic, especially once children are in the picture, never entered our minds when we were walking down the aisle.  Over the years,  we've found that it's not easy to carve out time for ourselves to celebrate, between Thanksgiving festivities and getting ready for Christmas. We have learned though, that it is important to make that effort and make that time.

We've had so many wonderful and warm congratulations from friends and family remembering our wedding day, it is truly heartwarming and humbling.  We feel that it's a tribute to the fact and evidence that it really does take a community to support a marriage and a family. It's also striking the number of comments that we get saying how "easy" we make it look. We've got friends and family who talk about how they hope for a relationship like ours.  As flattering as this is, we really need to set the record straight - it's priceless and wonderful but it is absolutely, unequivocally, not easy.  

Anyone who tells you different - that their relationship is easy - is either lying, or in for a very rude awakening. Life and marriage are full of ups and downs.  If you're in it only for the good times, then don't expect your marriage to last.  That may sound harsh, but it's the plain truth.  Things won't always be good.  The goal is always for the good to outweigh the bad; that's what makes it worth hanging in there and doing whatever you need to do to support each other.  Learn how to communicate, address any issues as soon as possible and in the healthiest way possible. We've both had to learn how to talk about the things we didn't want to talk about. Our knee-jerk reaction to almost any problem is to ignore it and hope it will go away.  Trust us, it doesn't. (And it really doesn't help if your partner has the same inclination).

Getting over the hump in bad times and getting through them with your relationship intact takes a lot of work; a lot of forgiveness; a lot of understanding; a lot of compromise; a lot of prayer; and a lot of love. We're writing this together for a couple of reasons - it seemed right - an anniversary is a team effort. We're also writing this together because we've come through some really, incredibly hard times and are now coming out the other side. We want to say to anyone out there having trouble in their relationship or even in finding love, not to think that if it isn't easy, it isn't good or it isn't true love.  You don't know what goes on behind closed doors.  You only see the face that people choose to show the world. Relationships that seem great could be really troubled in private; or ones that seem troubled, could actually be really healthy because the individuals have learned how to express themselves and accept each other.  You just don't know.

We are  firm believers that anything can be worked through if both partners want to. Our marriage is living proof of it. It's not always been easy but, it's always been worth it. We've been through a lot, but we are very happy and very much still in love. That's the reason that it is so important to make time to celebrate it.  It's an accomplishment that we are both proud of and that deserves recognizing, no matter how hectic the time of year.

<3 Mark and Greta

Monday, October 14, 2013

No More Lies

As the clock winds down on the 14th day of the government shutdown and we edge ever closer to defaulting on our country's debt, I find it ironic that my right leaning friends and I are actually, for once, agreeing on something.  We are all thoroughly pissed off at the stalemate and frustrated with the lack of progress being made toward some sort of resolution to this crisis. We are "liking" many of the same postings or comments on Facebook. The irony, however, is that the reasons behind the posting or the "like" are diametrically opposed.

Each side blames the other entirely for the mess. Republicans would like us to believe that everything they are doing is the result of unfair actions of the opposing side; that they are somehow being forced into this outrageous behavior.

In my opinion, the trouble comes when uninformed people choose to believe the lies being told by a few, very vocal individuals. They want to believe in the leaders of their party and blindly trust what they are being told.  The media, for the first time in longer than I can remember, at least seem to be waking up to the danger of letting these leaders just tell whatever lies they want.  But, is it too little, too late? Is this what happens when we let people tell lies and spin stories for the sole purpose of making other people look bad and never stand up and call them out on it?

My sense of justice and fairness is strong.  My son seems to have inherited this trait, and I don't
 know if that pleases me or worries me. There are times when I want to tell him that he needs to be less sensitive and let some things go. I tell him that you can't control what other people say and do. You can only control your own actions. But I understand, only too well, his frustration when he witnesses injustice and hurt caused to innocent people due to one person's lies.  Some people just can't handle accepting that things don't always go their way. And when they don't, these people, even grown adults, will do anything to try to force the outcome they want.  

On The Ed Show the other night I heard a politician express in simple terms why the President is not in a position of power in this situation, despite the fact that the HealthCare Reform Act was legally passed and upheld by the Supreme Court.  The reason was simply, "you can't negotiate with Crazy."  They went on to discuss the warped understanding that the American public has of the Health Care Bill, by playing clips of the Jimmy Fallon show's man on the street interviewing people on whether they were for or against "ObamaCare".  (In case you missed it, no one interviewed knew that "ObamaCare" was the same thing as the Health Care Reform Act, and while they were all in favor of the Health Care Reform Act, and each of the aspects of the Bill that were detailed for them, they all were against "ObamaCare").

It is clear that flat out lies are being told, confusing the public.  Talk of impeachable offenses, and the President being born in Kenya are still accepted by a portion of the public, despite being faced with unrefutable facts otherwise. It infuriates and sickens me and I don't know what can be done about it.

You know the old adage, that if a lie is repeated often enough, people will start to believe it?  Well, it seems that it's true.  Scientific America published an article to that effect, indicating that, not only is it true, but that trying to contradict the lies with truth often may inadvertantly strengthen the lie.


I don't know about you, but I have a really hard time just accepting that there may not be a way to stop lies from becoming "truths" in the public mind.  I admit I'm pretty idealistic and always look for and expect the best in people.  But, I don't think it's naive to stand up and fight for something that matters, for truth and honor, justice and respect.  The truth is honorable and should win. Period.  Our President is the leader of free world and deserves our respect. Period.

Maybe calling bull-headed politicians who are wreaking havoc in our lives Crazy (with a capital "C") is not helpful.  Maybe calling liars and manipulators in general "Crazy" is not helpful.  But, does that mean letting them get away with it is? I don't think so.

Maybe I've been reading too many comics and watching too may superhero movies (Nah).  It is always a good thing to stand up for what you believe in, regardless of your fears, regardless of how difficult it may be, regardless of the odds against you.  I believe that with all my heart, and I always will.

 Yes, we are fearful of what may happen if the shutdown continues to go on, or if our country is allowed to default on our debt.  But we can't let fear cause us to succumb to this blackmail.    No one should be allowed to hurt others with lies for their own gain or blackmail someone to get their way. This is what I teach my son. This is what I  try to show him by example. This is what I am hoping our President shows us all by standing up to the Republicans holding our country's well-being hostage.

At the end of the day, we all have to do our own research and find out the facts before placing blind trust in statements being put out by people who have a definite agenda.  Usually the most vocal people are the ones with something to hide. They are the ones who have a vested self interest in ensuring that their stories are heard and drown out any opposing views, for fear that that may be all it takes to take down their house of cards.
The truth is quieter and more sure of itself. Seek it out and don't let the liars win just because they make the most noise.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Geeky Ties That Bind

SO I went to Dragon Con in Atlanta this past weekend :)  I could go on and on about what a great time we had, but what I really want to express can pretty much be summed up in this one story:  I was at a panel with Lee Majors and Lindsey Wagoner - that's right the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman - pretty geeky, I know.  Well, at one point this lady went to the mic to ask a question. As soon as she started to talk you could hear a quiver in her voice. She told them both how happy she was to see them (they don't do many Con appearances) and how she watched them both growing up. She then told Lee Majors how from the days of the Big Valley and The Virginian to the "Six Mill" (as Majors calls it), to the Fall Guy - he was her mom's "top guy." Her voice got even shakier. Then she said that her mom had passed away just last month and how she wished she could have brought her to Dragon Con, but how happy she was to be able to be there herself and tell them how much they meant to her and her mom. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Everyone clapped when she was done and both the stars said some lovely things. That show, though - with the track suits and Oscar Goldman and Steve Austin - that was part of the connective tissue between that lady and her mom. 

The reason there wasn't a dry eye in the house was because everyone was sitting there (picture the courtroom in Big Daddy) thinking about the geeky things they had done and seen with their mom, dad, brother, sister or best friend. They were thinking about the shows, the comic books, the cartoons, the action figures, the movies, the games (the pop culture energy that binds us all together) that were the impetus for many very special shared moments in their lives. That's the reason I love Cons.

I grew up watching The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman and I wanted to share that with my son and all that it meant to me.  Lindsey Wagoner was one of the first women on T.V. that I identified with that was strong and independent and made her own decisions.  The show did an exceptional job of using Lindsey’s femininity and intelligence as a part of her strength and not just constantly relying on her bionics to solve every situation.  She was a superwoman without being a comic book character.  She was someone who could be real.  She embodied a woman’s strength at a time that coincided with the women’s movement.  I was only in grade school when the show was on, but my sister, who came to a couple of days of the Con with us, was a young woman.  And yet, for both of us, Lindsey Wagoner embodied the women we wanted to be, and it was a nostalgic and exciting moment for us to share.

My son introduced me to Dr. Who this past fall.  I was hooked after one episode. We then, introduced my husband to the show, and soon the whole family became pretty devoted Whovians. We spent last fall as a family working our way through all the current Doctors (9, 10 and 11) and are now selectively watching “Classic Doctors” as we await the start of the new season.  It was no surprise that my son wanted to see as much Doctor Who as the Con had to offer, and my husband and I enthusiastically agreed.  At Dragon Con we got to meet the 5th Doctor (Peter Davison; who, for non-Whovians out there, also happens to be the 10th Doctor’s Father in Law ;)).  He was friendly and personable and told personal stories and jokes and was everything we hoped he would be.

We also attended Wizard World in Philadelphia this year. As a smaller Con it offers easier access to celebrities and more intimate venues for panels, etc.  We went to panels on Whovian history and cosplay and we managed to attend several other panels, at both Cons, from Star Trek TNG to William Shatner to Stan Lee to The Walking Dead.  I wasn’t sure how much my son would “get” or be interested in some of the panels, but it turned out that he surprised me.  Not only did he stay engaged and asked some really smart questions afterwards, he enjoyed them so much, he wanted to see more. His enthusiasm remained un-dampened by crowds or lines (something rarely encountered in this 13 year old). Both Michael Rooker from The Walking Dead and William Shatner kept him laughing until I thought he would bust a gut!  His favorite parts, of course, are when the actors tell stories about being on set and playing pranks on each other or rib each other.  In the past couple of years he has become engrossed in his middle school theater group, so I think he not only relates to the stories, but is surprised and happy to hear that his experiences are not that different from adults in theater, particularly celebrities.

My point here is that, whatever your particular “fandom”, it really is so much more than just a T.V. show, book, movie, comic, celebrity, game, etc.  Pop culture and the Conventions that celebrate it mean so much more than just getting to see your favorite celebrity up close or an opportunity to dress up as your favorite comic book hero. It is an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding, and a place where fans can come together and let their “geek flags” fly with pride.  But most of all, for everyone there, and especially for this little family, it is a place where we can connect. It is the energy, the conversations that are sparked, and the memories made, that are one of the important ties that bind us.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

In Defense of Privacy - The Difference Between Private and Public

When Bradley Manning leaked documents to Wikileaks, DOD employees still couldn't look at them on their work computers. Why? Because in DOD's eyes, those documents, while having been made public were actually still considered to be classified. Sometimes the private gets made public - that doesn't make it any less private.

The same goes for Huma Abedin and her husband. Their problems were made public - that in no way changes the fact that they are very private, the most private, matters. The problem is that when they were made public, a lot of people thought that gave them the right, not just to comment on them, but to stand in judgment of how they (particularly Huma) were dealing with their problems. It didn't. What people should have done, is to say that it seems like an awful situation and I sure wouldn't want to be in that situation myself BUT (and here is the critical part) I don't know all the details, it’s not my life, I don’t live in their shoes. A woman (or a man, for that matter) dealing with a tragedy in her (or his) marriage deserves respect and privacy to deal with it.  

Can we, as a public, be any more demeaning and callous?
ny post huma

I don't presume to know why Huma made the decision(s) she made, but I'm going to respect her private life and not act like judge and jury and wear some sanctimonious cloak of 'I know better' and 'I would behave differently.'  The short answer and the true answer is that you're not her AND unless you're her best friend, I'm guessing she hasn't called you up to talk through all this. 

I also don’t have any idea why Hilary stayed with Bill after his escapades were made public. Again, that was a seriously private matter made public, and their handling of it was and is a private matter.  So I seriously think that anybody who wants to judge Huma or Hilary  - two incredibly smart, and by all accounts tough and successful women, are actually doing harm to the image of two women who could and should serve as role models NOT JUST for women but for men as well. The dirty truth that no one seems to want to admit is that it is much tougher, more courageous, takes much more self-esteem and hard work to try to repair a damaged relationship than to walk away from one. The fact that these women have had to try to do this in the face of public scrutiny should be respected, not ridiculed.  

No one is to say whose marriages will survive and whose won’t, what transgressions can be overcome and what can’t, and who can or will change and who won’t. Until you’ve walked a mile in someone else’s shoes you cannot say what they should do or what you would do in their position, because you don’t really know what “their position” is.  You only know what it looks like from the outside.   

Life is complicated; marriage even more so. Let's put down the arrogance and presumption that we know enough about the personal lives of anyone, including public figures, to judge them on how they conduct their private affairs. 

My husband is a historian who studied Early America.  It always upsets him when people refer to “The Founders” as if they were some kind of supermen and not really human.  They were human, they had flaws, they made some seriously questionable decisions.  But, on the other side of that scale, is the great work they did – not because they were superhuman, but precisely because they were human and they faced the same struggles we still do today.  That’s what makes people role models – not their perfection, but their imperfection; not their success, but the way they face their challenges.

Male or female, we all make difficult decisions in life.  I have a son, and I hope that I am a good role model for him.  I hope that when confronted with challenges in his life, he will be able to face them with courage, grace, intelligence and strength, and not let other people's judgment influence his decisions.  I want him to know that it is important to be respectful of other people and private matters, even when they are made public.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Birthday To My Big Thinker

My husband is what I call a “big thinker.”  He is always full of out-of-the-box ideas.  The risks and adventures that we have taken in our lives are because of him.  Looking back at many years spent together, the vast majority of my husband’s ideas have led to some amazing things that we would never have experienced otherwise; people we would never have met, places we would never have gone and things we would never have seen.

I am much more detail-oriented and I often can’t see the forest for all the trees in my way.  It takes my high flying husband to see that vision and point the way.   We are opposites in many ways, and that’s a good thing.  He makes me more outgoing and social, pushes me to make changes and try new things.

After all these years, he is still the one person that I most enjoy being with.  He is the yin to my yang, the Westley to my Princess Buttercup, my blue lobster.

I am amazed by his talent, his intellect, his quick wit and sense of humor. We have been through a great deal lately; the good, the bad and the very very ugly, you might say. So, I appreciate, more than ever, the effort he goes to every day to let me know how much he loves me. 

So, on this day, my husband’s birthday, I just wanted to take a moment to let him know how much I love him and his big thinking. Happy Birthday @moehlert! I can’t wait to see what our next adventure is going to bring!   

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Quiet Cafe

I had an amazing dream the other night.  I went to a Quiet Café. It was so real and so blissful, that when I woke up, it took a few minutes for me realize that it was just a dream.  I’m afraid as I try to write this that it will probably just sound silly, and I really wish that I could do it justice in writing.  But, in my dream state, in my imagination, it was perfect and blissful.  I am the type of person who rarely remembers my dreams beyond those first hazy moments of waking up.  But, the Quiet Café is a dream that I know I will not forget, and in not forgetting it exists for me.

The Quiet Café is like a spa.  You check in at the front desk by signing your name to the guest book and being assigned a little room of your own, somewhat like a cabana.  Plush robes are provided.  There are massage and regular spa services, a pool, a library, and a little restaurant.  You change into your slippers and robe and can either take a nap in your cabana, watch a favorite movie (with headphones) or venture to the pool or spa areas or the library.  There are waiters who bring around tea or cocktails and a little restaurant with beautiful tapas-like foods and snacks.  The only rule – you got it – is No Talking, none; not even whispering.  There are little note pads for communicating when necessary.  It is pure bliss.

The reason why I am revisiting the Quiet Café this Sunday after a long holiday weekend is that I find myself dreading going back to work tomorrow.  I know that end-of-weekend (especially long holiday weekend) blues are pretty universal.  However, I’m finding the prospect of the full work week ahead of me particularly daunting right now.  My company is in the middle of the busiest selling season that anyone I work with can remember.  In addition, within the division I work, this is the busiest season of the year, with probably 90% of my deadlines occurring between June and July every year.

Also, like most office workers these days, I work in a cubicle environment.  To be fair, I have as private a cubicle as I could probably ask for.  The walls are high and I am in the corner against a window wall with a nice view of the mountains in the distance; not bad at all.  However, it is still a cubicle.  It is still an environment where co-workers can shout at each other over the walls and carry on conversations several cubicles away, that you would swear you are a part of, simply by virtue of being in hearing distance.  When I spend long hours every day pouring over contract details in an effort to provide concise and coherent advice on any liability or financial ramifications in provisions written by lawyers and  government agencies (in 8 point Times New Roman type, no less) I have to admit, the extraneous noise sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out.

I worry that I am getting burned out.  I have learned through past seasons’ experience, that both for the sake of my professional life and my personal life, I need to take particular care of myself during this season.  I spent my first few years with this company trying my hardest just to keep up.  There was a significant learning curve. My personal and family life suffered dearly.  I learned my lesson.  I no longer take work home with me.  If I need to put in extra hours, I make the effort to get into the office early or stay a little later at night; whatever it takes to keep it at the office.  When I get home, I relax, period.  I make the most out of my weekends with family trips and outings and dates with the hubby.  We focus on each other completely when at home together.  Life at home is good.  Maybe that is a little of why it is so hard these days to go back to work on Mondays.

Whatever the reason, I am sure I am not alone in my post-holiday weekend blues.  Couldn't we all use a little Quiet Café?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Man Should Kill the Bugs

I woke up this Father’s Day to a big ugly water bug in my shower.   I hate bugs. I didn’t notice him until he was already drowned, but it creeped me out so much that I hopped out of the shower, soaking wet, and shouted at my husband “Bug in the shower! Bug in the shower!” He very sweetly, and without complaint, got out of the bed, came into the bathroom and scooped the dead, drowned bug out of the shower with a tissue.  His only comment was something to the effect of “yeah, that was an ugly one.”

This is exactly what I expected him to do.  Because that’s that what the man does. He kills the bugs.

I normally consider myself a staunch feminist.  So, I know I’m probably putting my foot in my mouth here and sounding like a total hypocrite.  But, it’s my truth.  So, here it goes.  The man should do the following:
  1. Kill the bugs
  2. Take care of the car
  3.  Grill out

That’s it.  For me, these are the basics, and they are pretty much non-negotiable.  This is not to say that I am in any way unable to kill the bugs, take care of car maintenance, or grill a mean piece of meat.  It just means that this is my gold standard for how a household should run.  And why is that you may ask?  As a little girl, these are things I noticed that my father took care of, on a regular basis, no questions asked.  These things were his domain.  That is not to say that I never saw my father cook a meal or fold a load of laundry.  It’s just that those things were not, mainly speaking, his responsibility.  That’s also not to say, that these are the ONLY things that I expect of the man in the family and in no way does it mean that my father didn’t do a million other both amazing and ordinary things for his family every day. 

However, I have memories of his running to our defense, shoe in hand, at the call of “bug!”  I remember coming home from college and him having to check the oil and tires on my car or run it up to the service station and have it serviced and cleaned for me.  My father was such a huge fan of the outdoor grill that he would grill in any weather, and any season, literally. I have vivid images of him running outside to turn the meat, in freezing temperatures, through falling snow and pouring rain.  (Yes, that’s a little crazy, I know.  But, I love it.)

This Father’s Day, I want to blow kisses and thanks up to heaven to my Daddy for the example he set for me and for making me feel safe and loved. 

And to my husband, the father of my child, love and kisses on this Father’s Day.  Thank you for being my biggest supporter and a wonderful father to our boy.  But more than that, the person who knows me best in the world, the person who shares my secrets, my heartbreaks and my joys, my lover, my friend, my car guy, my grillmaster and of course my Killer of the Bugs.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Reflecting on Memorial Day

I have been thinking about my father all day this Memorial Day.  He was a veteran of WWII and would have been 87 this year.  He did not die in battle defending our country.  He died at the young age of 62, of lung cancer. 

I’m sure if he were here he would be reminding me that Memorial Day is a day to remember those who gave their lives in battle defending our country, while Veterans’ Day is a day to recognize those who bravely fought, and those who are still fighting, for our freedom. 

Although my father did not die in battle, he gave of himself, as so many young women and men are doing today, and he was, as they all are, forever changed by the experience.  He used to tell me that we live in the greatest country in the world and that we are the luckiest people in the world.  However, of his war experiences I can only tell you the following:
  • He was an Army Corp. engineer (his dream was to be a Navy pilot, but his eyesight     was bad, (something I, unfortunately inherited from him) and so, even in wartime – the Navy would not accept him);
  • He was an Avenger of Bataan;
  • He watched a good friend die in a foxhole next to him (and he would become emotional just saying that);
  • His last promotion was to a position in the watch tower, a job that came with a life expectancy of approximately 24 hours.  (As luck would have it, within a short time on his watch, the camp was ordered to disassemble and move on);
  • He used to write letters to his mother, changing his middle initial in the signature on each letter, to spell out his location, so she would have an idea where he was.  It was supposed to be classified information;
  • When he was on base and his parents could come visit him, his mother would ride hours or days carrying a banana bread loaf that she made for him, because it was his favorite.  (To this day, I make an amazing banana bread – can practically do it with my eyes shut at this point – and I think of him and that story every time I make it).

Like so many of my father’s generation, he didn’t talk much about the war.  These are the only facts/stories that I could ever get out of him, no matter how much I asked him to tell me.  Maybe he was trying to protect himself from reliving the memories.   Maybe he simply wanted to protect me from the atrocities of war, from the many harsh realities of the world and this often cruel life that we live.

There is so much I could write about veterans and what our country and society could and should be doing for them.   But, that’s not really what this blog post is about.  This is about my father.

There is so much that I would like to write about my father.  Meal time was an adventure.  He never sat down for a meal that didn’t last a minimum of 3-4 hours.  This is not an exaggeration.  I mean literally. I’m not kidding.  We routinely shut restaurants down.  When at home, my mother was constantly reheating food and refilling drinks while my father continued to tell stories and ask questions and pull stories out of dinner guests and family.  He loved good food and good conversation.  He used to tell me that he was forced in the army to eat rations in a cold, wet foxhole, and even when they had the luxury of a mess tent, meal time was limited to 15 minutes.  He swore to himself that he would never be rushed through a meal again.  And he wasn’t. 

He loved comedians.  He watched very little T.V. other than news and sports, with the exception of a few favorites including Carol Burnett, M*A*S*H, and Hogan’s Heroes.  He was a huge sports fan.  On a Sunday afternoon, he would have the little television in the kitchen on one sport, the radio on another, while simultaneously scanning the sports page in the newspaper.  The only sport he never liked was the steeple chase.  He said it was cruel to the horses.

He never read fiction.  He said life was interesting enough, why would you need to make anything up?   He could pick up any instrument and play it by ear.  He was generous and fun-loving and lovable, and also serious and firm in his beliefs and the way things should be.  He was a Republican back in the day.  He was economically conservative, but with decidedly liberal personal views.

He abhorred bigotry and intolerance of any kind, and instilled the same in me.  He taught me that I was smart (because that’s what he believed) and pretty (because that’s what I wanted to be).  He told me that I could be anything I wanted to be. He taught me that I am special and valuable, and to think for myself and stand up for myself.

I wish that I could fully describe what an amazing man he was, and what a great example he provided me.  There are so many things that I wish I could say to him, talk over with him and get his advice about.  I wonder what he would think about the world today.  What would he think about the fact that we have been at war continuously for over a decade?  What about politics today, terrorism, the internet?   I can only wonder and hope that I live up to his example and be the best me I can be, every day, in his memory.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Never Again.  Starting Now.

Why the F are there not mandatory underground shelters in homes and schools in tornado alley??!!  Yes, I know - the cost.  F the cost.  Yes, that’s what I said.  F it!  I’m angry, I’m sickened, and I’m devastated for the poor families that are suffering right now.  What makes me the most angry, is that I believe that the majority of the deaths could have been prevented.  There was warning.  There was time. Children were taken to their “safe” place – an interior hallway.  Seriously?  An interior hallway? 

While there are so many tragedies in this world that we cannot prevent, our society certainly has the intelligence, the technology and yes, the money, to prevent so many of them. And, yet we refuse to address the most important issues, mainly the health and safety of our people, and especially our children. I’m talking about everything from natural disasters to gun violence to health care. We choose instead to focus on political nonsense and who’s having affairs and sexting, etc. It makes me want to Scream (or alternately curl up in fetal position and disappear). God’s greatest gift to us is each other, and in particular, our children. Why are we, as a people and a country, not respecting and protecting and appreciating that Gift every day? 

On a personal level, we do not nourish our relationships as we should – spouses, children, parents, siblings and friends.  We take each other for granted. On a national level, we are not protecting our citizens from gun violence and terrorism. We are not making sure that things like child care, health care, including mental health care and medicine are available for everyone.  There are people starving in our own country and around the world – something that should be basic and solvable, should be a done deal.
I know I have been personally guilty of taking my life and my relationships for granted.  I’m sure I’m not alone in that realization, if we are all honest with ourselves.  But, I’ve learned that sometimes it takes almost losing it all, to appreciate what you have.  What is it going to take for us, as a nation, or just as human beings, to wake up and realize what a precious and amazing Gift this life is, and stop wasting our time here on things that just don’t matter? 

How would life be different if we were always aware of the fact that at any given moment we could lose someone we love?

While it seems that I don’t have the answers, just more questions, I will start here by sending a Big Thank You to my husband who, when these tragedies occur (and there have been way too many of them of late) has, unfortunately, the added burden of dealing with a weepy and emotional wife and an anxious son. My husband very adeptly navigates how much exposure both my son and I have to the constant, saturating influx of the devastation, and I appreciate that So Much.

So my promise (to myself) starts here:
1.  Never take my relationships for granted - Never Again.
2.  Be a better, more involved citizen - Starting Now.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finding My Ruby Slippers and the Meaning of Courage

I haven’t posted anything since the New Year, 2012.  I’ve had a busy year filled with activities and thoughts that I fully intended on blogging about, but just never had the time (and that’s a good thing!).  Blogging has clearly not been a priority for me.  I thought that it was a habit that I would develop over time and that it would help me to take a step back and see things more clearly.  Also, I like the idea of having a written record of my thoughts and personal journey, much like my scrapbooks, but in words. Maybe I just need to work harder at making it a habit. 
That being said, I feel compelled to put some thoughts down, as I reflect on the past year.  At the beginning of the year, I asked for peace in 2012.  And peace, I received.  But I received so much more than that.  I’ve heard that when you pray for something, God doesn’t give you that thing for which you ask, but provides an opportunity for you to achieve it.  Well, I definitely received “opportunities” this year.  What it all amounts to is actually pretty cliché -- that I already have everything I need to create the life I always dreamed of [insert *clicking of red sparkly heels* here, and repeat – “there’s no place like home”].  

Most of all, I have been given the opportunity to be courageous and to witness courageousness in a way that I never would have considered before.   In our society, it seems to me that the definition of courage is too often warped and misused.
I’m not talking about the kind of courage it takes to run into a burning building to save another person, or to fight terrorism or debilitating injury or disease.  I think everyone can recognize and agree that that is courage.  I’m talking about a quiet, everyday kind of courage.  I’m talking about what it takes, day in and day out, for  an individual to live his or her life in a way that is honest and true to their beliefs and desires. To not let any person, society or peer group pressure you out of working toward what you really want for yourself.  Being courageous is doing what you think is best for you and taking a chance that if you follow your heart and your instincts, you may fail or be rejected.
Psychologist Rollo May states:
“The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity.”
When people in our society use (or misuse) the term “courage”, they are actually talking about someone who resists ‘conforming’.  So, the question is, ‘conforming’ to what?  Conforming to society’s expectations of you?  Or, conforming to the expectations of your family or your peers?  Every bully knows that the way to cloak their own bad behavior is to get others to participate in the behavior with them.   That many people will not have the courage to stand up for what they know is right.
The unspoken truth is that we would always like the easy way out.  Whether that be acquiescing to others’ expectations of us, or finding the easiest possible route to resolving our issues or correcting our past mistakes. It is easier to scrap everything and start over again when things get hard, than to fix what is broken. Our society, our peers, support and encourage decisions to start over, start new, go for the quick fix, every day.  We see it everywhere, from divorce to bankruptcy to dissolving businesses, friendships, partnerships.  Even down to the ability to “reinvent” ourselves and project and create whole new identities on social media platforms.
Real courage is standing up for yourself and your ideas and not letting go even when it would be not only the easy thing to do, but the more supported by your peer group.
 If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, then you will have betrayed yourself” ~Rollo May
Once we’ve betrayed ourselves, we tend to further cover our mistakes under the guise of being “courageous”, when really the behavior is reckless as opposed to courageous. 
Courage, according to Aristotle, is the mean between fear and recklessness. 
Next time you’re doing something you’re calling “courageous”, take a closer look. Is it actually reckless or selfish?  Is it simply a bad choice or an “easy way out”, disguised as “courageous” in an effort to do what you want and yet be able to view your actions in the best possible light?
Maybe that sounds pessimistic.  But, I’ve had a long road and many hard lessons to learn over the past several years, not the least of which is that there are people who  will not hesitate to harm others in the pursuant of their own gains, even if that means lying, cheating, threatening and manipulating. Society makes it easier for such a person, when they can disguise this behavior and spin it as being “courageous.”  
I used to always give people the benefit of the doubt and expect the best from everyone.  Sadly, I’ve learned that I need to be a better guardian for myself.  But, I’ve also learned that it is well within my power to do so.  All I need is to summon that “courage” that was there all along….
“There’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…”
“ Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, who discovered that she always had the means for going home, you already have what you need to be happy and safe. You have never really left Home. However, if you don't believe you already have what you need to be happy and safe, it is as if it isn't true: If we don't know the ruby slippers will take us home, it's like not having them. The ego keeps us from seeing the truth about those ruby slippers- it keeps us from seeing the truth about life. Home is right here, right now, but we may not realize it and there for not experience Home, or Essence as much as we might.” 
 Gina Lake, What about Now?